It's directory & renewal season!
Make sure your 2022 NPFMA membership is renewed to ensure that you're listed!
Upgrade to color for only $60! Bold Listings are $25
This is a limited time opportunity!
Directory participation and ad submission deadline: January 31, 2022
Extended to Wednesday February 2nd!
Reserve ad space online!
Download ad form
Directory Information
Ad Specs:
Full page ad- 7.5” x 10” ½ page Horizontal- 7.5” x 4.875” ½ page Vertical- 3.625” x 10” Quarter Page-ad Specs: 3.625" x 2.3125" Business Card- 1/8 page 3.625” x 2.3125”
Acceptable ad formats are:
Adobe (Press) PDF JPG – 300 dpi or above TIF – 300 dpi or above
NPFMANevada Professional Facility Managers Association P.O. Box 97993 Las Vegas, NV 89193-7993
702-798-5156702-798-8653 Fax