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Why Sponsor NPFMA?

NPFMA membership and sponsorship are the best investments you can make in your career as a Facility Manager or supporting supplier as we create opportunities to build relationships with the leaders and peers of the industry. 

We consistently present informative presentations by regulatory agencies and experts with direct knowledge of issues facing the Facility Managers of today
Our members have a unique opportunity for professional development through our partnership with an advanced, challenging and cutting edge accreditation program through ProFM.  This educational program affords Facilities Professionals occasion to develop enhanced, universal skillsets to pursue new channels for career and mobility. 

As a group, we value service to the community that has so warmly embraced us and made our enduring presence and growth in the valley possible.  We support local charities dedicated to improving the lives of Nevadans whenever possible through our Community Outreach Program. 

Your participation and support of NPFMA helps our industry operate, improve and maintain the facilities of today and the future while gaining valuable knowledge from veteran peers and helping to develop the facility manager of the future.

Our sustaining sponsor members receive an array of benefits including: exposure on our website, name recognition at our events, exposure in promotional materials, discounted event sponsorships, exclusive invitations and a unique status and comradery with other Annual and President’s Club Sponsors.

The attached package details the President’s Club and other sponsorship opportunities along with their benefits. Please review and return your commitment form by the end of the calendar year  to secure full benefits for the year.

Thank you for your membership, participation and support of NPFMA.

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